Saturday, November 24, 2007

In Love And Life

Falling in love is amazing.
It makes you relies a lot.
God Created Humans in His image.
I think this means that in falling madly in love
We learn who we are
and to learn who we are is to learn who God is.
In the Greek language the language of the Christ movement
God is called Creator of Heaven and Earth
But this translation is a little dumbed down in modern English. A deeper look at this sentence translates out of the Greek as My God Is The "Poet Of Ground And Sky"
If God Creation is Poetry then love is the subject
The subject of the poem is Love

Not always romantic love but all sorts of love
Lovers kissing or laying with one another's head laying on the others chest.
Or that hug when after a friend just helped you fix something that's kept you in bondage to something
Or the Celebration when people realize the war is over and life is getting back to normal
Or When you feel god moving through a person or organization and really effecting peoples lives for the good.

I'll say it once ill say it a million times

God Is Love!

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