Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Credo in unum Deum Credo in quae Credo

or I believe in One God, I believe What I believe
Everyone believes something this is what i believe. I wanna hear where you agree and disagree and what you believe in whole

I believe in One God Yahweh Almighty
Creator, Author, Perfecter, Poet of Ground and Sky
I believe in Yeshoua the Messiah the only Son of God
Who in his very Nature is both fully God yet fully Human
Conceived in the flesh by the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit
Sent to Earth to usher in the return of Eden.
In so restoring The Kingdom of God.
In order to do so Gods only Son lived a perfect life,
Was forced to die the Death of A Murderer
He was hung on a cross in order to fulfill the scripture,
In doing so he defeated Death and the power of the Devil.
Upon Death he Descended to Sheol
To tell The Dead the Good news
On the third day he left sheol and ascended to Earth
To pour out the holy spirit on all who believe
He then ascended into Heaven where He is seated at Gods right hand
Interceding for all of humanity until the day he comes again
To restore perfect Justice and finally restore Heaven to Earth
I believe in One Holy Church
made up of many denominations in many locations
Whose job is to restore Heaven to Earth
One random act of kindness at a time
I Believe In One God Who Is Three
Father, Son ,Holy Sprit
Three in One, One in Three
This is What I Believe

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