Saturday, November 24, 2007

Whatever Thing

Theres a song we sing at vespers alot and it is super deep lyrically and just powerful and It has been really speaking to me right now.
the lyrics to the song are as followed

Whatever thing that I have carried in this place
That will keep me from you
I will lay it at your feet
Whatever burden I have carried for so long
That will keep me from seeing you
I will lay it down right now

All of the things that are cluttering my mind
I will push them far from here
And listen for your voice
All of the pain that I am carrying inside
I will hand it to you
You will take it, set me free, I will fly

I need to hear you speak to me
And I want to feel you in this place
You long to take me in your arms of love
So take me in your arms of love

This talk of laying down burdens is really hitting me hard. Stuff that i have been ignoring since I was 5 have been on my mind Is it time to bring them out and forgive and get it off my chest. How long can I pretend it never happened that him leaving doesn't matter it doesn't affect me that im stronger then that. Its not just him leaving its the times he came back said he was going to be there and then just stopped. How can I claim the forgiveness of sins when I don't forgive people myself

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