Thursday, January 24, 2008

What A Wild World

Im in Plain, Washington a town of about zero people in the hills near Leavenworth. There is a Lutheran artists camp here which is super sweet. I have been watercoloring and playing in the 4plus feet of snow. The temperature here hasn't hit above 20 yet in the 3 days I have been here. Updates In my life...
Well im very happy in my life right now theres a few broken places but its good.
Im growing up and getting my act together.
I miss people out here, a few special people.
My life is exciting again and the future looks bright.
Ill leave you with a little excerpt from Mars Hill Church In Grand Rapids (Rob Bells Chruch)
What We Do (The Church on a Personal and Systemic Level)
A. We speak grace and peace
B. We need grace and peace
C. We interrupt with grace and peace
D. We tell ourselves grace and peace
E. We are grace and peace

Id like any thoughs on how to do this better

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Updates In Space And Time

Hey all,
I thought I'd let you know whats up.
Its J term.
I'm water coloring.
I'm working.
I'm improving my life.
First Semester Grades were all passing.
I'm loving life right now and Hopefully this continues.
Some people I care about are back at trinity or are coming back soon.
But I feel a deep loss for a few members of trinity Alec,Brain,Little D,and Rachel you will be missed.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk

I would like to state a fact.
God Is Love, God is Good!
He moves in crazy ways sometimes your expecting a long battle and a hard time and the problem gets fixed within a few hours its crazy.
I would like to thank God for Eric, Chris, Carly, Luis and a bunch of others for helping me grow recently good has done wonderful things through them.
Yep thats it!